This New Hip After Eighteen Months
My new hip leg is still one inch longer than the other one. This is hip replacement recovery?
A Day in the New Hip Life
Every morning, I rise, quite literally, on the right foot. My left foot, however, is still trying to catch up.
It's like my body is living in two different time zones, one leg in New York and the other still snoozing in California. It's been 18 months since a hip replacement surgery for my severely arthritic right hip which acquired two nice labral tears. I was 64 years old then and now I've advanced to the medicare benefits age of 65.
In my surgical follow-up two weeks after my four-hour outpatient procedure, a hip replacement, the orthopedic professional and surgeon said that in hip replacement recovery, I would notice a slight difference in the length of my repaired leg but with a nice rehab and within six months, the legs should go even strength. I was never able to rehab my new hip and maybe that's the reason for my deformity, but I don't think so. I believe new hips come with that possibility and that's what I got.
It's been 18 months and I still walk around like Grandpa McCoy.
And grumble the exact same way.
The Adventures of the Tilted Man
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the greatest show on Earth! Step right up and meet the one, the only, The Tilted Man! Witness the marvel of modern imbalance, the wonder of wobble, the legend of leaning!
Watch as The Tilted Man navigates life's obstacles with the grace of a giraffe on roller skates! See him tilt and wobble, but never fall down! Marvel at his ability to stand on one leg, like a flamingo with a questionable sense of direction!
So, come one, come all, and enjoy the spectacle that is my daily life. Remember, folks, it's not about the destination, it's about how you lean into the journey!
Enjoy your day, and remember, every step is a step in the right direction—just sometimes at a different height!
Shoe Lifts: The Unsung Heroes of Hip Replacement Recovery
The non-surgical repair I was told on the shoe-lifts.

Behold my collection of shoe lifts options! These are not just ordinary shoe accessories; they are the lifeboats keeping me afloat in a sea of unevenness. Each one is a testament to my quest for balance, a small step for man, a giant leap for my left foot.
The Black Lift: For those days when I want to blend in with the crowd, but still keep a little spring in my step with the classic gorgeous back strap-on.

The Towering Inferno: Perfect for reaching the top shelf or intimidating small children.

The Athletic: For all you crazy runners out there.

The Goth: Complete with lift-up spikes and that "screw everyone" look! Mostly for the women and trying-to-be-mod-crowd.

The Circus Act
And now, for the main event! Watch as The Tilted Man navigates life's obstacles with the grace of a giraffe on roller skates! See him tilt and wobble, but never fall down! Marvel at his ability to stand on one leg, like a flamingo with a questionable sense of direction!
So, come one, come all, and enjoy the spectacle that is my daily life. Remember, folks, it's not about the destination, it's about how you lean into the journey!
Enjoy your day, and remember, every step is a step in the right direction—just sometimes at a different height!
The pain is gone in my hip replacement recovery. But I walk with a limp and I never regained my running speed, in fact I can't really run at all.
Hey, you can get used to anything.
Blade Shorts